Trauma is an emotional response to disturbing or distressing events or circumstances in one’s life, including but not limited to violence, natural disasters, institutionalized oppression, war-related damages, the sudden loss of a family member, or medical injuries. Despite the prevalence (or incidence) of trauma, many palliative care clinicians have not received Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) education […]
Trauma is an emotional response to disturbing or distressing events or circumstances in one’s life, including but not limited to violence, natural disasters, institutionalized oppression, war-related damages, the sudden loss of a family member, or medical injuries. The Center to Advance Palliative Care’s APC’s Trauma-Informed Care Toolkit provides curated tools and resources to help organizations […]
Homewood Health has prepared this resource to support communities. Full title: ‘Creating Safe Spaces: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ2S+ Families Through Acceptance and Advocacy to Help Them Move Towards Inclusion in Every Community’. […]
This webpage, prepared by the Canadian Mental Health Association, provides an overview of factors that may impact the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ people. […]
Rainbow Health Ontario, in partnership with The 519 Church Street Community Centre, has created a glossary of terms and definitions to support a common understanding. […]
This resource created by Rainbow Health Ontario highlights the healthcare and social service needs of 2SLGBTQI+ seniors by identifying barriers and offering suggestions for creating 2SLGBTQI+ affirming environments. […]
Ontario Centres for Learning, Research & Innovation (CLRI) in Long Term Care has prepared toolkits and resources to support staff working with older adults who identify as 2SLGBTQI+. […]
Dr. Carol Dweck, author of “Mindset” and researcher who coined the term ‘Growth Mindset’ speaks to the staff at Google about how they can improve their workplace by developing a growth mindset. […]
Vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress are terms used to describe the indirect trauma we experience when exposed to others’ trauma, whether it be through retelling of a story or through disturbing images on the internet. There are many ways we can experience vicarious trauma. As human beings, we are naturally empathetic and can feel […]